Migrating from the old website to the new one, I just noticed I did not update this entry. So we decided to put the project on hold. When we get the required funds, we will resume – hopefully 🙂…
Migrating from the old website to the new one, I just noticed I did not update this entry. So we decided to put the project on hold. When we get the required funds, we will resume – hopefully 🙂…
I do try to be consistent here but sometimes it is hard. I just want to share what I have been working on and THINKING about. Honestly I could not sleep ’cause my mind kept going ‘write the post, you …
It’s been months since I uploaded Sarai. I have not made any major updates to the app. I guess I am overwhelmed by events but that is not an excuse.
Maybe I need to stop beating myself up cause I …
Life comes at you fast. In your moments of pain, anger and sadness, you begin to reflect on your journey.
Things are rough right now and someday I’ll blog about it. When my mom mentioned gratitude days ago, I brushed …
It’s 5:44am here in Accra, I woke up some minutes past four. I cannot sleep (so much happening in my head…).
I don’t want to lay on my bed thinking about the things I could have done better so I …
This is my first article on the site and I’ve been struggling.
I have so much to write about but I don’t know where to start from or what to say.
Earlier this year, my mom asked me to read Isaiah 45:1-5 and it has become one of my favorite
I will go before you
Isaiah 45:2
and will level the mountains…
“This is what the Lord says to his anointed,
to …
Anyone who knows me well can testify that I love comics.
When I discovered ZenPencils, I was amazed that Gavin was able to turn inspirational quotes into AMAZING comics.
I’d like to share one of my favorites with you, Make …
Welcome to my personal website, I hope to inspire you to create awesome projects.
Image source: Pexels…