I enjoy making things and solving problems with technology.

Hello 👋🏾 and Welcome

My name is Michelle Enakeno Umar and welcome to my personal website. This is the part where I tell you: “I have 100 years experience in doing X, Y and Z”. I wish I could but I freeze whenever I have to say something about myself. Recently, I learned that if you do not sell yourself, no one will. So I am working on myself – and it’ll take a while. For now, this section is in progress but let’s just say I design digital products (web, mobile, and games). Please make yourself at home ❤️❤️



I build immersive worlds and tell stories through gaming.



I merge user needs and business objectives to design impactful, human-centered products.


What I’ve Participated in.

I like to participate in competitions to test myself. “Am I making progress with my learning? How much pressure can I take? Will I be able to deliver under tight constraints”?

Second Place.


Maliyo Games Internship Game Jam (2022). View Game

First Place.


Ingressive For Good 30 Days of Design Challenge (2021). Read Journal Entry

First Place.


Passenger experience – SITA Hackathon (2021).  Read Case Study

Third Place.


Best Game – Gameup Africa (MaliyoX Google) (2021). Read Case Study

Third Place.


Financial Solutions Category – Hack The Normal Africa (2021). Read Journal Entry

Third Place.


Most Compelling Project – Hack Ur Culture (2020). Read Case Study

What I'm Designing

Creative Shots.

Creative shots are assignments I give myself to improve my skills. As a quick note, this section is still in progress 😊.

View Case
Product Design

Shot 4: Music App

View Case
Product Design

Shot 3: Tamarind

View Case
Product Design

Shot 2: Vivante

View Case
Product Design

Shot 1: Cube Tech

What I've Made

My Portfolio.

These are the projects I have worked on. Due to NDA, I have to omit really cool projects but I am in a fierce battle with procrastination to finish (pending) personal projects and share my process here.

Product Design.

View Case
Product Design

LevelUP: Gamified Learning – 1 of 2

View Case
Product Design, Prototype, Web App

Archives and Collections

View Case
Product Design, Prototype

Personal Travel Companion

Game Design & Dev.

View Case
Game Design & Dev

Mastering the Kitchen: Disney Iwájú’s Rising Chef

View Case
Game Design & Dev

Game Jam: Afro-Futurism

View Case
Game Design & Dev

The Imposter

Journal Entries

Sharing my Thoughts.

When I have time, I try to write about different things.

It’s been awhile

September 19, 2024 While editing my home page, I noticed the last time I updated my journal was in 2022...

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AR/VR Africa: Pre-hackathon Training

UPDATE A few days before our final capstone project, my laptop got damaged. Unfortunately, I couldn’t fix it before the...

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195 Days of Code Challenge

I haven’t been updating my website for a while now – I just have a lot on my plate. There’s...

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Crave the result so intensely that the work is irrelevant.
Tim S. Grover