Lately I’ve been immersing myself in the business side of tech. Learning new things and improving on old knowledge.
One thing I can say is, Trust yourself. I find myself watching videos where the teacher mirrors my thoughts.
I do not have a business degree from Havard but I do have an amazing instinct that is right 90% of the time.
The best thing one can do is listen to their heart and stick to the path they have chosen. Letting people get in your head is the best way to sink your ship.
So if you’re an entrepreneur like i am and you are in the phase of confusion, take a moment to reflect on your thoughts. Do not doubt yourself. You already know what to do.
Please make peace with the fact that the people around you will not see the vision. Your parents will not see it. Your partner will not see it. Even friends will not see it.
Make peace with that.
We will get there.
Our dreams will come true.