As I listened to a video on youtube, I had a moment to reflect on my life. I have been ungrateful to God. You see in 2010, I had an appendix surgery. It started as a normal stomach ache, then my vomit was green. I was in so much pain that I could barely walk and my parents had to rush me to the hospital. Doctor on duty asked me if I had done an abortion (yeah I know). They did not want to perform the operation without doing a scan so I had to wait till the next day.
We did the scan and they discovered my appendix had ruptured and the doctor said they had to do surgery immediately. They said 30mins, and I was in there for THREE hours. I remembered the nurse praying with me before I went blank. Next I woke up with a burning sensation by the side of my stomach. My intestines were messed up completely and they had to take everything out and clean the entire stomach area.
I survived. I survived and came out. For the first time in my life I realise how lucky I am and how much of a fool I have been. I am not special but God gave me another chance. Being here right now is a BLESSING.
When life gives you another chance, complaining and nagging makes you ungrateful. Sleeping on yourself is ungrateful. Not pursuing your dreams makes you ungrateful.
The week of my surgery, a close family friend died of a ruptured appendix.
I got another chance at life. I am saying a prayer to God right now. Give me the grace and the wisdom to remain grateful. Grateful for my sight, I can walk, I can talk, I can breathe. I am grateful to be here. No matter the circumstances or the trials that I may face, remind me to stay grateful and never take anything for granted.
I just realised something, you can be humble and ungrateful at the same time. Here me out, ungrateful in the sense of taking life for granted. People choke and die while having their morning coffee. My grandmother always says “going out and coming back safely is a blessing”.
My daily dose of wisdom from God today is, “You being here is a blessing. You cannot continue to procrastinate or fear the unknown. I would never give you a vision that I know you cannot execute.”
Featured Photo by Alex Powell from Pexels